Liz Wilson

ID Number: 0149

Liz Wilson is a professional artist known for her exploration of the depths of her mind and her spontaneous approach to painting. She draws inspiration from the act of painting itself, embracing the unpredictability and dynamic interaction with her canvas.

Wilson views her canvas as a board where she bounces her thoughts, never knowing what will come back. This process allows her to traverse and re-explore her mental landscape, reacting to the spontaneity of the paint and revealing new and previously explored aspects of herself. For Wilson, painting is a journey through her mind, a way to revisit and rewrite paths and perspectives.

Her work captures the impressions of her experiences in specific moments, translating sensory experiences into shapes and colors. This process simplifies and caricaturizes her moments into a unique painting language, reflecting both the specific source of her images and the sensations derived from them.

Wilson’s creative process is influenced by three primary sources of inspiration: memory, visualization, and improvisation. While all three are present in her studio, one often becomes more dominant, guiding her artistic expression at any given time.

Through her innovative and spontaneous approach, Liz Wilson creates art that embodies her experiences and interactions with the world, making her paintings a vivid reflection of her inner journey and external observations.