Kevin Kintner

Mixed Media
ID Number: 0001

Kevin Kintner is a highly esteemed artist with an extensive and productive career. He earned his BFA from Buffalo State College in 1981, followed by an MFA from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 1984.

Throughout his impressive career, Kintner has dedicated himself to creating exceptional artwork and has extensively exhibited his works throughout the United States and Canada. His love of art is evident through his curation of numerous exhibitions both locally and nationally.

In addition to his contributions to the art community as a distinguished artist, Kintner has also made his mark as a gallery owner and a member of the City of Manchester Arts Commission. He owned and operated the highly regarded ARGH Gallery in Manchester, NH for 18 months, providing a platform for emerging and established artists to showcase their works.

Kintner’s commitment to the arts and his exceptional talent as an artist have earned him a well-deserved reputation in the art world. He continues to create thought-provoking and inspiring works of art that captivate and engage his audience.